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Did you know that indoor air can be up to 5x more polluted than outdoor air?

If not properly cleaned, chemicals, dust, bacteria, viruses, and other harmful particulate matter in the air can cause serious health issues. For foodservice businesses, indoor air quality is extremely important to protect the quality of food, reduce the risk of foodborne illness, and provide a safe, healthy experience for customers. PJP, an Envoy Solutions Company, offers active air purification systems that reduce germs and odors for a cleaner and safer indoor environment.

Common Indoor Air Pollutants

Viruses & Bacteria


Chemicals & Volatile Organic Compounds

Allergens & Asthma Triggers

Actively Cleaning the Air We Share

Active air purification brings the cleansing power of the sun indoors. The sunlight creates hydroxyls which destroy organisms that can produce diseases in the air we breathe outside. Because hydroxyls do not exist naturally indoors, active air purification mimics nature’s cleansing indoors.

Active air purification uses ultraviolet (UV) energy to safely generate and disperse hydroxyls and natural cleaners indoors. The hydroxyls then react with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to generate powerful natural cleaners, deactivating bacteria, viruses, mold, and other harmful pollutants.

How does a pyure hydroxyl generator work?

Pyure Dynamic Protection® uses a proprietary mixture of ultraviolet (UV) energy to produce the same concentration of hydroxyls as the sun generates outdoors. From small portable units that protect specific areas to complete integration with HVAC and AHU systems, Pyure devices can meet any indoor air quality need.

Cleaner air starts here.

Fill out the form below to request more information, speak with an air quality expert, or schedule a consultation at your facility.